I feel like a bad blogging buddy...over a month since my last post! Be assured I am checking out all of your lovely works, even if I am not posting or commenting...life has gotten a little nuts, but I will leave the personal stuff to last for those who are here for the stitchy bits.
I finally got some mojo going for Sadness, as she was my last goal for the WIPocalypse. I have worked exclusively on her for the last month or so, and I am happy to say I have made lots of progress. Not sure if I will meet goal for the year or not, but even if not, I am thrilled with how much I have accomplished on her this year!
So as a reminder, this is how she looked waaay back in January:
And this is how she looked for the September WIPocalypse update:
And here she is now, with 53460/117600 stitches, or 45% complete!
I am rather pleased with how she is turning out, even with the strange pinkie color. I find if you stand back and look it blends well into the other colors. I think I have exhausted my mojo on this one though, been really craving something a little more colorful, so I think I will pick up Waterfall Dragons for the next few days.
So that's pretty much it for the stitchy front. Doesn't look like a whole lot, but I did get almost 9000 stitches done over the last few weeks.
On the personal front...I am going through some pretty heavy medical stuff. Don't want to go into too many details, but my symptoms have taken a drastic change for the worse over the last several months, and I find I am really struggling to keep up my normal life stuff. It is so hard to try and manage all this while living alone, maintaining a household, and looking after my two furry babies, but I am (barely!) managing to keep my head above water so to speak. My stitching seems to be my only sanity of late, as the medical system here leaves a lot to be desired sometimes in regards to how fast you can get in to see specialists and surgeons.
So as of right now I am in a holding pattern until I get a phone call to go in for a surgical consult. I have all my hopes pinned on getting surgery that will hopefully fix what is going on so I can get back to feeling normal. It's just so frustrating sometimes, when you know what will fix you, it's just getting it done! The only scary thing is that my symptoms have been going on for years, on and off, so I don't know how bad the damage is going to be when they finally put me under the knife and take a look at what's what. So keeping my fingers crossed, and trying to keep my chin up so to speak!
But I do want to thank you all for your lovely comments, and giving me the positive vibes to keep up on my stitching and getting through my days. I will keep you all posted as best as I can with what is going on, and hopefully I will be able to post more often for you all!
Big hugs,
Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Update time and September WIPocalypse
I guess my lateness is getting slightly better, I am only 2 1/2 weeks late for the last WIPocalypse post, lol. Someone needs to tell my life to stop getting in the way of my stitchy time! Without further ado, onto the pics, and I finally took of pic of my new start to tantalize you!
First up, The Ghost, by Rebecca Sinz. Now at 13% complete. Love how the detail is starting to come through...forgive the green leaf in the pic, forgot to move the flower vase!
Next is TowMater, who is slowly but surely coming along...I am hoping (praying!) to have him finished by the end of the year, as that would give me 5 kit finishes for the year, and 5 more things out of my stash!
Sadness has been getting most of the attention lately...she is now up to 35% completion, only 15% more to reach my WIPocalypse goal for her, and finish my last (official) goal for the year.
Finally, as I mentioned in my last post, I just couldn't resist one of the new Matt Stewart charts from HAED. As a reminder, here is what the original artwork looks like:
And here is my (tiny!) start... believe it or not, this is almost 3000 stitches complete, but seeing as the chart has 450 000+ stitches, its just a drop in the bucket! The colours in this chart are fantastic, and I am loving the coverage on the 28 count fabric I chose. Can you tell its the start of a wing?!
So that's my progress since the last time I posted...I was so used to getting so much more time to stitch while I was off work, it doesn't feel like I am getting anything done lately. But.....I am so excited, it's the perfect weekend for IHSW! I am off this Friday to dog sit, as my parents are away, so an extra long stitchy weekend for me! The only thing I don't know is what I am going to work on...any suggestions?
First up, The Ghost, by Rebecca Sinz. Now at 13% complete. Love how the detail is starting to come through...forgive the green leaf in the pic, forgot to move the flower vase!
Next is TowMater, who is slowly but surely coming along...I am hoping (praying!) to have him finished by the end of the year, as that would give me 5 kit finishes for the year, and 5 more things out of my stash!
Sadness has been getting most of the attention lately...she is now up to 35% completion, only 15% more to reach my WIPocalypse goal for her, and finish my last (official) goal for the year.
Finally, as I mentioned in my last post, I just couldn't resist one of the new Matt Stewart charts from HAED. As a reminder, here is what the original artwork looks like:
And here is my (tiny!) start... believe it or not, this is almost 3000 stitches complete, but seeing as the chart has 450 000+ stitches, its just a drop in the bucket! The colours in this chart are fantastic, and I am loving the coverage on the 28 count fabric I chose. Can you tell its the start of a wing?!
So that's my progress since the last time I posted...I was so used to getting so much more time to stitch while I was off work, it doesn't feel like I am getting anything done lately. But.....I am so excited, it's the perfect weekend for IHSW! I am off this Friday to dog sit, as my parents are away, so an extra long stitchy weekend for me! The only thing I don't know is what I am going to work on...any suggestions?
Friday, September 21, 2012
Late IHSW update, super late WIPocalypse, and the kitchen sink
Sooo late for everything yet again! I am finally back to work full-time, and it just seems like I don't have time for anything lately...so I will make up for it by showing you my pretty stitchy pics!
First up is my IHSW results. I worked on Tow Mater most of the weekend between cleaning and laundry.
Before IHSW:
After IHSW:
He is looking so good, buck teeth and all! Kinda nice to have something besides a HAED on the go, must easier to see, and far less concentration required, lol.
Now for WIPocalypse...unfortunately, with being back to work, my stitching time has taken a serious hit...but, on the plus side, I got some major mojo going for Sadness, and she was all I have worked on for the last August WIPocalypse (so much for my rotation!)
Sadness last WIPocalypse:
Sadness now:
Much better pic this time, it really shows all the different shades in this one. I am now up to 30% completion...only 20% more to go to meet my last WIPocalypse goal for this!
So like I don't have enough WIP's on the go, I bought some more stash I just couldn't resist for HAED Appreciation Week, and it just so happened that the HAED BB SAL this week is new starts, so I figured, hey, it's like getting permission right? Right? So here is the charts I bought!
Winter Soul:
Waterfall Dragons:
So can you guess which one I started? Yup, Waterfall Dragons! I just couldn't resist! This is by far the biggest WIP I have started, so I am gonna need to get some serious stitching in on this one just to show that it looks like something! Plus, I was super excited to try stitching on the new fabby I ordered, but holy cow, stitching on 28 count is small! I thought 25 count was bad...was I ever wrong! But on the plus side, the coverage is amazing, and I need to use slightly less fabby this way, so good trade off I suppose.
I realized today that my OCD is screaming at me...I am out of needles! I am crazy about how I need my WIP's set up, and each one gets pre-threaded needles and a cork-board with all the chart symbols, so that way I don't have to keep unthreading and threading all the time. So, with so many WIP's on the go, I have run out, so I think I may be working on Sadness or Ascendant until my order comes in, as they are the only two that have full boards atm, as I kinda had to 'borrow' so I could start Waterfall Dragons right away. So here is hoping I should have some progress pics soon for you! And I also need to go blog stalk as well, I am so far behind, I'm sorry!
First up is my IHSW results. I worked on Tow Mater most of the weekend between cleaning and laundry.
Before IHSW:
After IHSW:
He is looking so good, buck teeth and all! Kinda nice to have something besides a HAED on the go, must easier to see, and far less concentration required, lol.
Now for WIPocalypse...unfortunately, with being back to work, my stitching time has taken a serious hit...but, on the plus side, I got some major mojo going for Sadness, and she was all I have worked on for the last August WIPocalypse (so much for my rotation!)
Sadness last WIPocalypse:
Sadness now:
Much better pic this time, it really shows all the different shades in this one. I am now up to 30% completion...only 20% more to go to meet my last WIPocalypse goal for this!
So like I don't have enough WIP's on the go, I bought some more stash I just couldn't resist for HAED Appreciation Week, and it just so happened that the HAED BB SAL this week is new starts, so I figured, hey, it's like getting permission right? Right? So here is the charts I bought!
Winter Soul:

Waterfall Dragons:
So can you guess which one I started? Yup, Waterfall Dragons! I just couldn't resist! This is by far the biggest WIP I have started, so I am gonna need to get some serious stitching in on this one just to show that it looks like something! Plus, I was super excited to try stitching on the new fabby I ordered, but holy cow, stitching on 28 count is small! I thought 25 count was bad...was I ever wrong! But on the plus side, the coverage is amazing, and I need to use slightly less fabby this way, so good trade off I suppose.
I realized today that my OCD is screaming at me...I am out of needles! I am crazy about how I need my WIP's set up, and each one gets pre-threaded needles and a cork-board with all the chart symbols, so that way I don't have to keep unthreading and threading all the time. So, with so many WIP's on the go, I have run out, so I think I may be working on Sadness or Ascendant until my order comes in, as they are the only two that have full boards atm, as I kinda had to 'borrow' so I could start Waterfall Dragons right away. So here is hoping I should have some progress pics soon for you! And I also need to go blog stalk as well, I am so far behind, I'm sorry!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
IHSW results and did I mention stash?
So I didn't get much done for IHSW, so hence the late post. I decided to finally start Lightning McQueen's friend, as for some bizarre reason I wanted to work on something different.
So this is what he will look like when done:
And this is where I got to:
Not too bad for just a weekend of work! But, since I don't have as much stitching to show you as I usually do, I decided to make up for it by showing you my new stash! I went a little crazy during the HAED 50% off stash enhancement at the beginning of the month!
QS Aspidistra
QS Fierce
My Darling
Now I am only $6 shy of the $200 I need for my reward chart...and guess what? There is another sale on! So I will probably have some more stash additions to show you next post, lol. I think I am hopelessly addicted! But on the plus side, I have enough stash now that I will never ever run out of things to stitch, I just need to figure out a way to live long enough to stitch it all.
Hope you all are doing well, I am so behind on blog reading! Off to do some stitching so I have some progress to show you for the next WIPocalypse update!
So this is what he will look like when done:
And this is where I got to:
Not too bad for just a weekend of work! But, since I don't have as much stitching to show you as I usually do, I decided to make up for it by showing you my new stash! I went a little crazy during the HAED 50% off stash enhancement at the beginning of the month!
QS Aspidistra

QS Fierce

My Darling




Now I am only $6 shy of the $200 I need for my reward chart...and guess what? There is another sale on! So I will probably have some more stash additions to show you next post, lol. I think I am hopelessly addicted! But on the plus side, I have enough stash now that I will never ever run out of things to stitch, I just need to figure out a way to live long enough to stitch it all.
Hope you all are doing well, I am so behind on blog reading! Off to do some stitching so I have some progress to show you for the next WIPocalypse update!
Friday, August 17, 2012
August WIPocalypse Take 1! And pre-IHSW update
Wow, I have been a bad blogger, almost a month since my last update! I will try and make up for it though, as I have lots of progress to show you!
Ascendant-before WIPocalypse:
My goal on this piece was to get to 20% completion, which I met awhile back, so I am just going to carry on with keeping her in the rotation and see how much I can get done this year.
Ascendant-August WIPocalypse:
Top row is complete, and pages 7-8 are done with a partial on page 9 so far. I am getting so excited to get further into this row, more pretty wings, and more of her face!
The only goal I have left for WIPocalypse that is not complete...reach 50% on Sadness of an Angel.
Sadness before WIPocalypse:
Sadness, August WIPocalypse:
I am currently around 27% on this project, and still struggling to make any significant progress. I found the easiest thing for me to keep motivated is to have her in my rotation between 2 pieces I love working on, then I try to get her worked on until I can switch to something else! I will let you know about my rotation in a little bit.
A piece I started after WIPocalypse began, The Ghost.
Ghost, current progress:
Page 1 is complete! Loving how this one is stitching up, and out of all my projects, she is the smallest with a mere 75250 stitches, lol. I have decided to add her in for WIPocalypse, and my goal will be the same as on the HAED BB, to complete 2 full pages this year...I am well on my way!
Another piece I started after WIPocalypse began, Lust, one of the 7 Deadly Sins, by Marta Dahlig.
Lust, current progress:
Page 1 complete, and finally, a better picture! Now you can see all the pretty shades of blues, black, and reds and pinks, and the coverage really is quite good on the 25 count fabric. I will also add her to my WIPocalypse goals...my BB goal was to get the first page complete, so I think for here I will set it for the first 2 pages.
So, Melinda asked a really good question with my last update, and that was how to stay motivated to finish a project that you really have no mojo for. I find the easiest thing for me is to stick to a strict rotation. Mine is a little different than everyone else's, as I stitch my HAED's by column, rather than cross country. This allows me to switch projects fairly frequently, and to celebrate the small finishes of columns. I find I get too overwhelmed if I work per page or cross country...maybe it is my OCD, but I just find it more orderly for my brain if I stitch per column. So, my rotation is as follows:
Ascendant>Mystery Project>Lust>Sadness>Ghost
The only exception is Sadness, as I am working the full design column instead of per page column, so I give myself a little wiggle room on not finishing a whole column before switching, as a full one would be 2970 stitches compared to 950-980 for a full page column.
I hope this makes sense, if any of you have any questions, please just ask, as I love to hear from you all!
Ah, and before I forget, some of you have noticed the "Mystery Project" progress bar at the side of my blog...so, a little bit of background.
A good friend of mine has been helping me out a lot recently with yard work and housework since I hurt my back. We have been friends for awhile now, and I know his family as well. His father is pretty eccentric, but he absolutely loves a certain sport, and I found the perfect pattern to stitch, as I loved it too! So, it is now in rotation, but I don't want either one of them to see the progress, as I want it to be a surprise for both of them, so I can't post progress pics as my friend checks my blog. So for any of you who are member's of the HAED BB, I will be posting there once I finish a full page.
And finally, I wanted to send out 2 huge thank yous to two lovely ladies!
First is Alicia, from the Crafty Princess. She was so wonderful to RAK me the lovely chart Ravene, by Marta Dahlig, as she noticed that I absolutely loved it! I was so excited, and she really made my day! The two of us are going to try and stitch all of the 7 Sins, and hopefully do a Ravene SAL in the future.
And Angie, from Miamina's Musings, sent me a lovely message and the chart Hope, by Rebecca Sinz! The chart she picked couldn't be more perfect, as mentally, things have been pretty rough for me with my back still being bad, and not being back to work yet, so it was so appreciated that she RAK'd me just to let me know she was thinking of me. She is such an angel!
So I am not sure if I am going to be carrying on with my usually rotation, or working on something different for IHSW...decisions decisions! For those who haven't signed up yet, head on over to Joyce's blog, Random Ramblings, to sign up!
I promise to be a good blogger and post my update on Monday!
Ascendant-before WIPocalypse:
My goal on this piece was to get to 20% completion, which I met awhile back, so I am just going to carry on with keeping her in the rotation and see how much I can get done this year.
Ascendant-August WIPocalypse:
Top row is complete, and pages 7-8 are done with a partial on page 9 so far. I am getting so excited to get further into this row, more pretty wings, and more of her face!
The only goal I have left for WIPocalypse that is not complete...reach 50% on Sadness of an Angel.
Sadness before WIPocalypse:
Sadness, August WIPocalypse:
I am currently around 27% on this project, and still struggling to make any significant progress. I found the easiest thing for me to keep motivated is to have her in my rotation between 2 pieces I love working on, then I try to get her worked on until I can switch to something else! I will let you know about my rotation in a little bit.
A piece I started after WIPocalypse began, The Ghost.
Ghost, current progress:
Page 1 is complete! Loving how this one is stitching up, and out of all my projects, she is the smallest with a mere 75250 stitches, lol. I have decided to add her in for WIPocalypse, and my goal will be the same as on the HAED BB, to complete 2 full pages this year...I am well on my way!
Another piece I started after WIPocalypse began, Lust, one of the 7 Deadly Sins, by Marta Dahlig.
Lust, current progress:
Page 1 complete, and finally, a better picture! Now you can see all the pretty shades of blues, black, and reds and pinks, and the coverage really is quite good on the 25 count fabric. I will also add her to my WIPocalypse goals...my BB goal was to get the first page complete, so I think for here I will set it for the first 2 pages.
So, Melinda asked a really good question with my last update, and that was how to stay motivated to finish a project that you really have no mojo for. I find the easiest thing for me is to stick to a strict rotation. Mine is a little different than everyone else's, as I stitch my HAED's by column, rather than cross country. This allows me to switch projects fairly frequently, and to celebrate the small finishes of columns. I find I get too overwhelmed if I work per page or cross country...maybe it is my OCD, but I just find it more orderly for my brain if I stitch per column. So, my rotation is as follows:
Ascendant>Mystery Project>Lust>Sadness>Ghost
The only exception is Sadness, as I am working the full design column instead of per page column, so I give myself a little wiggle room on not finishing a whole column before switching, as a full one would be 2970 stitches compared to 950-980 for a full page column.
I hope this makes sense, if any of you have any questions, please just ask, as I love to hear from you all!
Ah, and before I forget, some of you have noticed the "Mystery Project" progress bar at the side of my blog...so, a little bit of background.
A good friend of mine has been helping me out a lot recently with yard work and housework since I hurt my back. We have been friends for awhile now, and I know his family as well. His father is pretty eccentric, but he absolutely loves a certain sport, and I found the perfect pattern to stitch, as I loved it too! So, it is now in rotation, but I don't want either one of them to see the progress, as I want it to be a surprise for both of them, so I can't post progress pics as my friend checks my blog. So for any of you who are member's of the HAED BB, I will be posting there once I finish a full page.
And finally, I wanted to send out 2 huge thank yous to two lovely ladies!
First is Alicia, from the Crafty Princess. She was so wonderful to RAK me the lovely chart Ravene, by Marta Dahlig, as she noticed that I absolutely loved it! I was so excited, and she really made my day! The two of us are going to try and stitch all of the 7 Sins, and hopefully do a Ravene SAL in the future.

And Angie, from Miamina's Musings, sent me a lovely message and the chart Hope, by Rebecca Sinz! The chart she picked couldn't be more perfect, as mentally, things have been pretty rough for me with my back still being bad, and not being back to work yet, so it was so appreciated that she RAK'd me just to let me know she was thinking of me. She is such an angel!

So I am not sure if I am going to be carrying on with my usually rotation, or working on something different for IHSW...decisions decisions! For those who haven't signed up yet, head on over to Joyce's blog, Random Ramblings, to sign up!
I promise to be a good blogger and post my update on Monday!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
IHSW results and progress updates...pic heavy!
Hello fellow hermitters! Hope you all had a productive stitchy weekend!
I spent most of the weekend working on Ascendant, as it appears my mojo for her has returned, and I made quite a bit of progress. I finished off one column on page 5, the partial page 6, and started working again on her lovely wings on page 9. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I got much done, as all the work I did on the top row was blue! lol
I also have gotten some more stitched on Lust earlier on in the week, and she should be coming up again in rotation soon.
Again, it is really much darker in person, the flash on my camera seems to lighten everything to the nth degree...will have to play with the settings again, lol
I have finally taken a piccy of Ghost, my start just before Lust. First page is almost complete. The biggest change on this one is that I decided to try stitching her on 18 count, 2x1, instead of my usual 25 count, 1x1. I don't mind the 18 count, it has very little show-thru, but you sure use a lot of floss, which I am not used to anymore!
Lastly, I got a bit of work done on Sadness of an Angel...for some reason, I absolutely loath this piece, I think it is the pinky color in it that just looks so wrong to me and steals my mojo. I do have to get it done eventually though, as it is supposed to be a present for my sister.
On the personal front, I have been doing physio for the last 2 weeks for my back. It is helping a bit, but I am not sure when I will be ready to go back to work, as my job is pretty physical, and right now I am still having a hard time just walking for any period of time. Good thing stitching doesn't require any walking, cause as you can see, I have gotten a lot done in the past few weeks! I have another assessment tomorrow at physio, so hopefully she can give me more of an idea on back to work timeframe.
Sorry for the long post, I am off to check out all of your lovely weekend stitching! A big welcome to my new followers as well, I am looking forward to getting to know you!
I spent most of the weekend working on Ascendant, as it appears my mojo for her has returned, and I made quite a bit of progress. I finished off one column on page 5, the partial page 6, and started working again on her lovely wings on page 9. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I got much done, as all the work I did on the top row was blue! lol
I also have gotten some more stitched on Lust earlier on in the week, and she should be coming up again in rotation soon.
Again, it is really much darker in person, the flash on my camera seems to lighten everything to the nth degree...will have to play with the settings again, lol
I have finally taken a piccy of Ghost, my start just before Lust. First page is almost complete. The biggest change on this one is that I decided to try stitching her on 18 count, 2x1, instead of my usual 25 count, 1x1. I don't mind the 18 count, it has very little show-thru, but you sure use a lot of floss, which I am not used to anymore!
Lastly, I got a bit of work done on Sadness of an Angel...for some reason, I absolutely loath this piece, I think it is the pinky color in it that just looks so wrong to me and steals my mojo. I do have to get it done eventually though, as it is supposed to be a present for my sister.
On the personal front, I have been doing physio for the last 2 weeks for my back. It is helping a bit, but I am not sure when I will be ready to go back to work, as my job is pretty physical, and right now I am still having a hard time just walking for any period of time. Good thing stitching doesn't require any walking, cause as you can see, I have gotten a lot done in the past few weeks! I have another assessment tomorrow at physio, so hopefully she can give me more of an idea on back to work timeframe.
Sorry for the long post, I am off to check out all of your lovely weekend stitching! A big welcome to my new followers as well, I am looking forward to getting to know you!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
July WIPocalypse
Late again, but life has been pretty crazy lately. I will ramble on, but after the stitchy pics!
I have met my goal for the year by reaching 20% completion, but have kept her in the rotation, as I want to finish at least the top row of pages. I only have 3 columns left till they are done.
I also finished all the regular cross stitch kits I had listed on my WIPocalypse goals, so I am going to rotate in some older UFO's and see how many I can get finished up this year. This is an old kit my cousin asked me to stitch for her years ago, I wonder if she remembers I still have it? lol! Anywho, it is all done, so I will be returning it to her, and another one out of my UFO pile!
Count Your Blessings-kit
Finally, I have made a few new starts. I haven't gotten any pics of one yet, so here is the second one. Little bit of background...as soon as I saw this series of charts, I knew I had to stitch them all. I am probably crazy, but I have started the first of the 7 Deadly Sins, by Marta Dahlig, charted by HAED.
This is what she will look like:
And my little start after 3 days of stitching, approx 2100 stitches:
Sorry for the pic...the flash makes it look too bright, it really is much darker...I will have to take a better pic during the day, lol. I have also discovered the joy of self fading fabric markers...how did I ever survive without them? It is so much easier to grid out the columns, so I don't spend so much time counting!
So a little rant on the personal stuff...I had a slight incident at work on Wednesday...and managed to slip a disc in my back. It looks like I will be off work for at least a week, maybe more depending on what physio says, as they have the say as to when they feel I can go back. I have managed to get quite a bit of stitching in since then, despite it being pretty painful to sit for prolonged periods of time, so I might have a lot more done in the coming weeks, as long as my ice pack doesn't give out, lol! Pretty sad, I am only 28, but I am walking and feeling like an 80 year old, and I can't DO anything! I have never been so upset to not be able to do housework!
The home renos went well, I just haven't managed to take the after photos. Hopefully will have them for the next update, which I promise will be soon! I feel so neglectful of my little blog, I will try to make an effort to post more often, especially since I have been getting quite a bit of stitching in lately.
Lastly, welcome to all my new followers! I can't believe 54 lovely people take time out of their day to see what is going on in my little corner of the universe! I am so happy to have you here, as I love reading all your comments and thoughts, they mean a lot to me. If you have a blog, and I am not already a follower of you, please let me know, I would love to see your work as well!
Take care, and happy stitching!
I have met my goal for the year by reaching 20% completion, but have kept her in the rotation, as I want to finish at least the top row of pages. I only have 3 columns left till they are done.
I also finished all the regular cross stitch kits I had listed on my WIPocalypse goals, so I am going to rotate in some older UFO's and see how many I can get finished up this year. This is an old kit my cousin asked me to stitch for her years ago, I wonder if she remembers I still have it? lol! Anywho, it is all done, so I will be returning it to her, and another one out of my UFO pile!
Count Your Blessings-kit
Finally, I have made a few new starts. I haven't gotten any pics of one yet, so here is the second one. Little bit of background...as soon as I saw this series of charts, I knew I had to stitch them all. I am probably crazy, but I have started the first of the 7 Deadly Sins, by Marta Dahlig, charted by HAED.
This is what she will look like:
And my little start after 3 days of stitching, approx 2100 stitches:
Sorry for the pic...the flash makes it look too bright, it really is much darker...I will have to take a better pic during the day, lol. I have also discovered the joy of self fading fabric markers...how did I ever survive without them? It is so much easier to grid out the columns, so I don't spend so much time counting!
So a little rant on the personal stuff...I had a slight incident at work on Wednesday...and managed to slip a disc in my back. It looks like I will be off work for at least a week, maybe more depending on what physio says, as they have the say as to when they feel I can go back. I have managed to get quite a bit of stitching in since then, despite it being pretty painful to sit for prolonged periods of time, so I might have a lot more done in the coming weeks, as long as my ice pack doesn't give out, lol! Pretty sad, I am only 28, but I am walking and feeling like an 80 year old, and I can't DO anything! I have never been so upset to not be able to do housework!
The home renos went well, I just haven't managed to take the after photos. Hopefully will have them for the next update, which I promise will be soon! I feel so neglectful of my little blog, I will try to make an effort to post more often, especially since I have been getting quite a bit of stitching in lately.
Lastly, welcome to all my new followers! I can't believe 54 lovely people take time out of their day to see what is going on in my little corner of the universe! I am so happy to have you here, as I love reading all your comments and thoughts, they mean a lot to me. If you have a blog, and I am not already a follower of you, please let me know, I would love to see your work as well!
Take care, and happy stitching!
Monday, June 11, 2012
June WIPocalypse and a finish!
It's that time already?! Wow, time has really been flying lately, maybe it is because the weather has been warmer, or maybe because I met 2 WIPocalypse goals this month! Woohoo! Here we go!
Ascendant-HAED, WIPocalypse goal-20% completion.
Before WIPocalypse:
After June WIPocalypse, 20% completed!
Lightning McQueen, Janlynn kit
Before WIPocalypse:
After June WIPocalypse, completed!
So I have finished 4/5 of my goals for the year so far, the only thing left is to get to 50% completion on Sadness of an Angel. I haven't worked on her in awhile, hopefully will get my mojo back and get some work in soon.
I am really happy to get 3 kits finished up so far this year...I stopped buying them after I discovered HAED, but I have a whole craft room full of them it seems, so the more I can finish up the better. I brought another old UFO into rotation after I finished Lightning, will have some pics for you all in my next update.
Sorry for my absence of late...I finally got the ball rolling on getting some home renos done. I took some 'before' photos tonite to show you, so in a few days I am hoping for some 'afters'!
Hugs and happy stitching,
Ascendant-HAED, WIPocalypse goal-20% completion.
Before WIPocalypse:
After June WIPocalypse, 20% completed!
Lightning McQueen, Janlynn kit
Before WIPocalypse:
After June WIPocalypse, completed!
So I have finished 4/5 of my goals for the year so far, the only thing left is to get to 50% completion on Sadness of an Angel. I haven't worked on her in awhile, hopefully will get my mojo back and get some work in soon.
I am really happy to get 3 kits finished up so far this year...I stopped buying them after I discovered HAED, but I have a whole craft room full of them it seems, so the more I can finish up the better. I brought another old UFO into rotation after I finished Lightning, will have some pics for you all in my next update.
Sorry for my absence of late...I finally got the ball rolling on getting some home renos done. I took some 'before' photos tonite to show you, so in a few days I am hoping for some 'afters'!
Hugs and happy stitching,
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Someone wants to say hello!
So I didn't get much stitching in for my IHSW as I spent some quality time up at my cottage...but I made up for it this week! A certain special someone has finally made her long awaited appearance, and wanted to say hello!
And with this last column finish, I have met my WIPocalypse goal for this piece! Woohoo! So current stats for Ascendant are: 48490/240800 stitches, 20% complete. But fear not, I will not be putting her down, I am really motivated to finish off at least this top page row, I have about a page-worth left to do. After that, I think I will switch up for a bit and see where my mojo takes me, lol
Hope you all like her as much as I do, I think she is stitching up nicely, can't wait to get some more done to show you all!
And with this last column finish, I have met my WIPocalypse goal for this piece! Woohoo! So current stats for Ascendant are: 48490/240800 stitches, 20% complete. But fear not, I will not be putting her down, I am really motivated to finish off at least this top page row, I have about a page-worth left to do. After that, I think I will switch up for a bit and see where my mojo takes me, lol
Hope you all like her as much as I do, I think she is stitching up nicely, can't wait to get some more done to show you all!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Very late WIPocalypse and a happy dance!
So I have a good excuse this time for being so late, lol, my dad borrowed my camera cord, and forgot to give it back! But on the plus side, I did sneak in a wack more stitchy time on Ascendant. She is the only piece I have worked on for WIPocalypse this month.
This is where you last saw her:
And this is now, note the major difference!
44570/240800 18% complete
There is a MAJOR amount of confetti in that hood, but it looks so great! I think it really pulls the design together, and I can't wait to get more stitched to show you all!
Sorry for the short update, but I think I need to go back to do some more stitching!
Hugs and happiness,
This is where you last saw her:
And this is now, note the major difference!
44570/240800 18% complete
There is a MAJOR amount of confetti in that hood, but it looks so great! I think it really pulls the design together, and I can't wait to get more stitched to show you all!
Sorry for the short update, but I think I need to go back to do some more stitching!
Hugs and happiness,
Monday, April 23, 2012
IHSW results
Well, I had a crazy weekend, but I did find some time to work on Ascendant, which made me very happy! I tried very hard, but I just barely missed out on a page finish, only have a wee bit down in the bottom right column to do. It's hard to see what I did, as this page has an amazing amount of bright white stitching, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel...after 2 more columns worth of stitching, I will be at her head! I can't wait, and I will be working extra hard on it in the next couple of days so you guys can share my happy dance when I get there!
Also, here is my TUSAL post for April, lots of ORT's this month with "Grapes of Wrath" getting finished up.
Just also wanted to say a big welcome to my new followers and thanks to everyone for all the lovely comments on my big finish. My best friend was so excited when I dropped it off that she grabbed her keys, kicked me out of her house, and took it right to the framers! Hopefully when it gets back in the next few weeks I will get some piccys of it all framed up.
Hope everyone had a great stitchy weekend, I am off to check out all your new posts and pics!
Also, here is my TUSAL post for April, lots of ORT's this month with "Grapes of Wrath" getting finished up.
Just also wanted to say a big welcome to my new followers and thanks to everyone for all the lovely comments on my big finish. My best friend was so excited when I dropped it off that she grabbed her keys, kicked me out of her house, and took it right to the framers! Hopefully when it gets back in the next few weeks I will get some piccys of it all framed up.
Hope everyone had a great stitchy weekend, I am off to check out all your new posts and pics!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Grapes of Wrath Complete!!!!
Finally done, so another WIPocalypse goal completed....whoopie!!!
Still a little damp from it's sink bath, but it turned out pretty well! Now onto the next one!
Still a little damp from it's sink bath, but it turned out pretty well! Now onto the next one!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
April WIPocalypse...finally!
Ok, so I have a good excuse for being so late this month...I am on vacation! Whoopie!!!! And it seems like I still have gotten nothing done that I wanted to do...sigh...not that I am complaining, cause I hate painting! (was going to paint my livingroom, grumble)
Onto the good stuff! I only really worked on one project for the last few weeks, but it is a goodie, and Joyce will be happy! lol
All I have left is the backstitching on this one, then another WIPocalyspe goal met, I can't wait!
I am taking a bit of a break from this one, maybe a few days or so, just to get my mojo back, so I have been picking away at Ascendant...hopefully will have a page finish before I polish off Welcome Friends, aka "The Grapes of Wrath." So glad this one is almost complete, I have come to realize I don't like stitching projects for other people...for some reason it just takes the fun right out of it for me. Plus, in all my years of stitching, I have yet to finish anything for me, all my completed work is gifts or 'comissions' of a sort for others.
Maybe that is why I love Ascendant so much, she is all for me, and she is going to look fantastic on my livingroom wall, painted or not! lol
Onto the good stuff! I only really worked on one project for the last few weeks, but it is a goodie, and Joyce will be happy! lol
All I have left is the backstitching on this one, then another WIPocalyspe goal met, I can't wait!
I am taking a bit of a break from this one, maybe a few days or so, just to get my mojo back, so I have been picking away at Ascendant...hopefully will have a page finish before I polish off Welcome Friends, aka "The Grapes of Wrath." So glad this one is almost complete, I have come to realize I don't like stitching projects for other people...for some reason it just takes the fun right out of it for me. Plus, in all my years of stitching, I have yet to finish anything for me, all my completed work is gifts or 'comissions' of a sort for others.
Maybe that is why I love Ascendant so much, she is all for me, and she is going to look fantastic on my livingroom wall, painted or not! lol
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