Monday, March 24, 2014

First Finish of the Year!

I am back again! I downloaded Blogger for my IPhone, so I am hoping to do smaller but more frequent post this way. I always seem so pressed for time lately with the two jobs, that blogging always seems to take a back seat, and for that, I am sorry, as I love sharing my work with you all!
Okay, so it's not a HAED finish, but I have my first of the year, and my first goal complete. 

Birth Sampler

I sent it in for framing a few weeks ago, will get a piccy when it returns. 

I have also been working on Large Treasure Hunt Bookshelf, I adore the bright colours in this one. 

I was also very naughty and started Large World Travel Bookshelf, not much to see yet, but I spy an Indian dancers hand in the bottom row!

Sadly, that's pretty much it for the stitching front. I have brought another obligation stitch into rotation now that the birth sampler is done, so I should have some progress piccys for you shortly. And there are some definite screams coming from the rest of my WIPS, so fingers crossed for an update soon!

