Wow, it has been a busy month! Have gotten some stitching done in between the crazy that is my life, so without fanfare (well, maybe a little) here we go!
Happy to say I have completed my first yearly goal, I have finshed the 2nd page of The Ghost, HAED.
Doesn't she look fab? Love the way her eye turned out, but kinda creepy to stitch her while she is watching me!
Next up is QS Twin Peek...soooo close to being done, only a tiny bit left on page 5, and a partial page 6 to go! I have been working like crazy on this one to try and get it done.
Love the colors in this one; it's pretty confetti heavy, but well worth it.
Finally, here is TowMater, who is almost complete as well, all his backstitching is done, just have the banner above him to complete, which is pretty boring, as it is all the same color!
So that is pretty much it on the stitching front, been trying to get Mater and QS Twin Peek done, as I am starting to feel a litttle overwhelmed with so much in my rotation.
Imagine my surprise when I checked my email, and for my birthday, the lovely Angie from Miamina's Musings sent me a pressie!
I got a RAK of Selina Fenech's Waiting, which is a stunning chart!

Thank you again Angie, she is gorgeous, I can't wait to start her!
I also got some money from my family, so I am trying to decide whether to be responsible, and use it to pay down some household stuff, or to splurge and go on a stash binge, lol. And if I do a stash binge, what should I get??? Decisions, decisions, lol!
Hope you all have a great week!