Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Someone wants to say hello!

So I didn't get much stitching in for my IHSW as I spent some quality time up at my cottage...but I made up for it this week! A certain special someone has finally made her long awaited appearance, and wanted to say hello!

And with this last column finish, I have met my WIPocalypse goal for this piece! Woohoo! So current stats for Ascendant are: 48490/240800 stitches, 20% complete. But fear not, I will not be putting her down, I am really motivated to finish off at least this top page row, I have about a page-worth left to do. After that, I think I will switch up for a bit and see where my mojo takes me, lol

Hope you all like her as much as I do, I think she is stitching up nicely, can't wait to get some more done to show you all!


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Very late WIPocalypse and a happy dance!

So I have a good excuse this time for being so late, lol, my dad borrowed my camera cord, and forgot to give it back! But on the plus side, I did sneak in a wack more stitchy time on Ascendant. She is the only piece I have worked on for WIPocalypse this month.

This is where you last saw her:

And this is now, note the major difference!
44570/240800  18% complete

There is a MAJOR amount of confetti in that hood, but it looks so great! I think it really pulls the design together, and I can't wait to get more stitched to show you all!
Sorry for the short update, but I think I need to go back to do some more stitching!

Hugs and happiness,